-4 Organic potatoes
-8 Tablespoons of pizza sauce ( we use Organicville)
-1 pound of Italian beef sausage OR ground turkey ( with Italian seasoning)
-30 Sliced gluten free pepperoni check for no added sugar or nitrates
- Sun flower oil
-Black Olives (optional)
-8 oz of sautéed mushrooms (optional)
-Roasted Garlic (optional)
-Pizza seasoning
-Any other favorite pizza toppings
1. Preheat oven to 400
2. Line a sheet tray with parchment paper and optional sunflower oil
3. Wash and poke holes in potatoes
4. Brush sunflower oil on them and cook for 40 minutes
5. Let cool for 10 minutes then cut in half and scoop some of the middles out
a cookie scoop or ice cream scoop works well for this.
6. Drizzle more sunflower and bake facedown on sheet for additional 7-10min.
7. Turn over and add fillings ( sausage and meet pre cooked before adding)
I layer these sauce, sausage, mushroom, garlic, pep, and sprinkle seasonings.
8. Cook for additional 10-15 min.
Let cool then serve or EAT!